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Friday, September 14, 2012

SQLsaturday #160

SQLSaturday is a training event for SQL Server professionals and those wanting to learn about SQL Server. This event will be held Sep 22 2012 at Kalamazoo Valley Community College, 6767 West O Avenue, Kalamazoo Township, MI 49009.

Admittance to this event is free, but we do charge a lunch fee of 10.00 so that we can provide a lunch - not pizza! Please register soon as seating is limited, and let friends and colleages know about the event.
My Schedule: Build you own schedule HERE
8:00 AM Gathering Tchotchkes as fast as possible. (Reminder: Get your PASS bag first or wear cargo pants.)
 8:30 AM Opening Ceremonies
09:00 AM Brent Ozar
Building Faster SQL Servers
SQL Server speed boils down to how fast we can get data in and out of storage. Sooner or later, we're going to run out of memory to cache. In this session, we take a lesson from Microsoft's blazing-fast Fast Track Reference Architectures, look at why they work so well for the wildest queries, and explain how to build our own SQL Servers for quick queries. Brent Ozar shows you how to test your own servers and compares them to servers he's worked with in the field.
10:15 AM Luke Jian
Anatomy of a Join
A lot of database professionals today do not have a Computer-Science Degree so they never attended a “Introduction to Databases” course. In this session we are trying to fix at least one thing and we’ll look in depth at the three types of join operations, visualize how their algorithms work in order to understand how query plans are computed, explain why these join operations have very different performance characteristics and why the optimizer chooses a specific join operator to use in a query plan. Will demonstrate that empirical cost calculations are similar to what Query Optimizer actually outputs. Good understanding of join algorithms is vital in order to diagnose and remedy issues related to bad query plans.
11:30 AM - 1:30 Sweeping floors
01:30 PM Rob Kerr
BI1 Big Data Analytics - Hadoop and Microsoft BI
This session is a deep dive that will show you how to use the Hadoop platform to extend traditional Microsoft BI solutions. The first half of the session covers big data architectures, the MapReduce process and strategies for integration of Hadoop data with traditional BI tools. The second half of the session demonstrates how to combine Hadoop, SQL Server Analysis Services, Power View and SharePoint 2010 into an end-to-end solution.
02:45 PM Benjamin Nevarez
Dive into the Query Optimizer-Undocumented Insight
This 400 (or maybe 500) level session will focus on using undocumented statements and trace flags to get insight into how the query optimizer works and show you which operations it performs during query optimization. I will use these undocumented features to explain what the query optimizer does from the moment a query is submitted to SQL Server until an execution plan is generated including operations like parsing, binding, simplification, trivial plan, and full optimization. Concepts like transformation rules, the memo structure, how the query optimizer generates possible alternative execution plans, and how the best alternative is chosen based on those costs will be explained as well.
4:00 PM Norman Kelm
PowerShell, the New SQL Hammer
You've seen all the amazing scripts that use PowerShell, but writing your own is raising more questions. This session will help fill in the gaps by explaining all the moving parts of PowerShell 2.0, the integration with SQL Server and answer the following questions as well as others. Why is Invoke-Sqlcmd necessary? What is and why is there a Minishell for SQL Server? What makes the SQLSERVER: PS Drive so powerful? How does a remote SQL Server get added to the SQLSERVER: PS Drive?
5:15 PM Closing and Raffle


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